I know this is VERY late, but I figure I should go ahead and do it anyway.
Our little munchkin turned 17 months on September 3rd. She doesn't look too happy to be 17 months, does she?? That's because everytime I get out the camera now, I get this...
Which is really sad considering most of the time we hear this...
Not much of her stats have changed...teeth are the same, clothes and diaper sizes are the same. However her feet seem to be growing as fast as her vocabulary! We've gone through about 3 shoe sizes this summer!
Granny came to visit us last month and we went to the aquarium at Moody Gardens. Jillian loved spending time with her Granny!

3 generations looking at the fish!
We have so much fun with our little munchkin!
Oh my gosh!!! She is TOO CUTE! I love hearing the laughter and can't wait for Alexandra to just start smiling all the time. :-) And...I think she gets the anti-picture syndrome from her Momma. I know because I have it too. Haha.